Friday, September 26, 2008

This Anticipated Friday

Friday is always supposed to be a great day full of excitement. Y'know, the weekend and all! I couldn't bring myself to feel happy or glad at all that its Friday. Maybe that had a little to do with a certain Chemistry test.

I got a good grade on the quiz, but I know for a fact that the actual test didn't go as well. That caused a bit of stress for the rest of the day, but of course I'm back to normal now.

Thanks to my GREAT buddies Kris and Rian, I've found a bunch of new bands from Pandora! Thank you guys soooo much!

Something amazing happened today... I cleaned my room. Even more amazing, no one told me to do it. Actually, I realized that when some one tells me to do something, I'm less likely to do it. (strange logic)

My English teacher gets on my nerves. I get the feeling that she's impatient and a little overconfident. Maybe that feeling will smother itself and my eyes will pass over those traits of hers.
We're reading a great book, Fahrenheit 451. Some of the kids in my class don't like it, but I'm utterly fascinated by it. It makes me chew my lips in concentration. That only happens when I'm really into something. I actually do get excited when I think about what may happen in that book.

I feel like my good Karma is coming back to me, because of all the great friends who are there for me. Thanks, guys. =3


Kris said...

Yeah, my friday wasn't all that great either, but it's good that you're back to normal now! My english teacher is kind of annoying too...I've read that book. It's really good!Hmm...Karma is an interesting thing. I never really think about it, but in some situations it makes sense.

Rian said...

no problem for the pandora thing... and the english teacher is... INTERESTING!!!! yeah. i STARTED to read that book, but then i got confused, so i kinda stopped. i'll have to restart it sometime... yeah. i like good Karma... ya know, i've seen it spelled Charma before too... but i like the K better. and i'm rambling like Nudge. haha. oh well. talk to us on the cbox sometime!!!