Thursday, September 18, 2008

If you've ever been unprepared...

It's nothing compared to how I felt. Or maybe it is... But today I definitely felt uncomfortably unprepared.

I woke up to the sound of the doorbell ringing. "Crap", was the only thing really running through my head. I jumped out of bed and scrambled around for something to make me look presentable. A blanket would have to do.
I opened the door and, as expected, it was Caleb, a little eight year old that I babysit. If I could have been more embarrassed, I would have been.
"Your mom didn't tell you that we were coming?"
"No.. she did..", I muttered.
It really was terrible!

Not to mention, my room was a disaster! I was supposed to clean it last night or before Caleb came in the morning.
Luckily for me, Caleb had to do some workbook pages before we did anything else, so I sat him on the couch and rushed to my room.

Needless to say, I felt like a right idiot. Procrastinating is despicable.
If you read this, please laugh and point and make me feel bad. That way I won't let something like this happen again.

I can't even begin to describe how I feel about the Twilight movie. Cedric Diggory?! He's the new heart-throb for basically the entire nation and more?! Gah. I don't feel too keen on it. Maybe he'll look dazzling with lots of vampiric makeup on. Maybe he'll look ridiculous. Still, I just don't like the idea in general. I suppose that won't keep me from seeing the actual movie, but it will make me a little reluctant.



Kris said...

I agree. i think they could have chosen someone else. but I'm still going to see the movie, too. Can't wait.

TypingtoOblivion said...

It's ironic.. I actually had a dream last night that all of my school friends were the cast of Twilight. (I was Bella. xD)

Rian said...

wOw. that's... interesting?! :) lotio. yeah, i think it'll be ridiculous and stupid, but i can't wait for it either.